Level 1 Geography
All student work is always on Hāpara Workspace: www.mystudentdashboard.com
It is under 1Geo: (name of unit of work/assessment) such as:
- Term 1: 1Geo - 1.3 Sustainable Tourism at The Poor Knights Islands
- Term 1-2: 1Geo - 1.7 Global Patterns of Cocoa Production (Chocolate!)
- Term 2 (weeks 4 - 10): 1Geo - 1.5 Research: Litter Patterns at Hillmorton High School
- Term 3: 1Geo - 1.1 Extreme Natural Events - Christchurch Earthquake (External Exam topic)
- Last Optional Internal: 1Geo - 1.8 GIS: Earthquake Effects in ChCh
- Term 4: 1Geo - 1.4 Skills and Concepts (External Exam topic)