Level 3 Geography

All student work is on Hapara, Workspace at www.mystdentdashboard.com, under 3Geo: (name of topic/assessment).

Term 1 Weeks 4 - 10: 3Geo - 3.3 Event Planning and Decision Making

Term 1 Week 11 - Term 2 Week 5: 3Geo - 3.5 Research - Coastal Processes Investigation

Term 2 Weeks 6 - 10: 3Geo - 3.6 Contemporary Geographic Issue - Plastic in the Ocean

Term 3 Weeks 1 - 5: 3Geo - 3.1 Natural Processes - COASTAL PROCESSES (External Exam Topic)

Term 3 Weeks 1 - 5: 3Geo - 3.4 Skills and Concepts (External Exam Topic)

Term 3 Weeks 7 - 10: 3Geo - 3.7 Global Patterns of Plastic in the Ocean